NCAA Website: Access NCAA Eligibility Center. All athletes who want to play in college must set up an account and register.
Core Course GPA: Athletes can set up free account through Pali High’s subscription to input courses and track eligibility for College Athletics. Students should visit Pali’s college center for more information.
National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics NAIA is the governing body of small athletics programs that are dedicated to character-driven intercollegiate athletics.
General College Information
Pali High College Center (PHCC) website
Email address for the College Center: [email protected]
Family Connection Website: PHCC uses this as the primary communication channel with Juniors and Seniors and their parents. Students have to sign up for it. You need an access code/password that you get by visiting the College Center in person.
Announcements to watch for: College Fair (Fall); College Visits (Fall); Application Workshops (Fall); Financial Aid meetings (Jan, Feb); Reduced Rate Test Prep Courses on campus throughout the school year.
University of California & Cal State Systems:
UC & CSU Eligibility Information
The Common Application for Private Institutions:
Common Application Used for many private colleges across the country; links to all their member colleges.
Admission Testing Information
SAT Website Sign up to take the SAT and or SAT subject tests
ACT Website Sign up to take the ACT
How to get an SAT or ACT Fee Waiver
Financial Aid
Government Financial Aid All students and parents need to set up accounts and complete a FAFSA form each year while in college. This website has instructions on how to do this for free. It is NOT necessary to pay for this.