General Team Info
Tell me about the team?
The Pali Football Team is part of the Los Angeles City Section and plays in the Western League. Our colors are Royal Blue and White and our mascot is the Dolphin. We field both a Varsity and Junior Varsity team and do not have a Frosh/Soph team.
What is our Game Schedule?
Our game schedule is posted on our website under the tab "Schedule/Roster/Standings"
What are the academic requirements to play on the football team?
All student athletes must have a 2.0 minimum GPA. Any athletes who falls below the minimum 2.0 GPA at the 10-week report card will not be allowed to finish the season.
Player Requirements/Forms
What forms or clearance is needed to be on the football team?
Parents/guardians of all athletes must complete their Athletic Clearance Online Registration at You must complete the online registration process and upload a copy of your child’s most recent physical paperwork (must be current and not expire in season). You will also need to submit a new Emergency Card each season for the coach to keep on file. This will be downloaded, completed, and turned in to your coach at or before your first summer workout session.
Where do I get the physical paperwork?
You can download the Physical Paperwork and bring to your doctor. After your appointment, you then need to upload the signed completed paperwork on Athletic Clearance.
Where do I get an Emergency Card?
All players must download the Emergency Card and turn in a copy of the emergency card to their coach each season.
New Player FAQ’s
I'm interested in playing football at Pali High. What do I do first?
All students interested in playing football MUST register by filling out the online form at . This will enable us to add you to our team communications and to the coach's roster of incoming players.
What equipment is required for players? What equipment do parents need to purchase?
Pali High will provide the following equipment: helmets, shoulder pads and home and away uniforms (jersey, pants) to all players. In addition, we provide an equipment bag and a practice jersey for in-season participation. These items are distributed during the mandatory practice session each summer and must be returned to the program at the end of the season on the date specified by the coach. Players are also given a Game Day Polo Shirt, to be worn by all players thoughout the season on Game Day Fridays.
Equipment required but not provided by Pali High: Players are required to wear black, white or royal blue football cleats (no other colors in cleats are allowed), mouthguards and padded tights/girdle that include a tail pad, thigh pads and hip pads to be worn under their game pants. Some players may also choose to purchase their own helmet chinstraps, pads for skill position players and protective undergarments such as padded tech shirts.
Players will also need to purchase off-season (spring and summer) practice uniforms (royal logo drifit shirt) to be worn with black athletic shorts which will also serve as their official uniforms for 7v7 tournament participation for varsity skill players and linemen during the summertime.
My son owns his own helmet. Do I need to get it reconditioned each year?
All player-owned helmets need to be reconditioned prior to each season. Here is the information on Helmet Reconditioning including links to our preferred vendors.
Does every player make the team? Does every player get to play and who chooses the position they play?
Team size is limited to 55 players. If a player cannot commit to practice and games every day from the first day of official practice in July through the end of the season, then they may be removed from the team. Players that deserve playing time will be the ones who play. Every week in practice all boys have a fair shot to improve their position on the depth chart. The coaches will guide them towards a position to play that will be in their best interest, as well as the teams.
Tell me about Game Day Fridays.
Traditionally, the team will be provided LUNCH on Game Days. Players meet during the designated lunch period and eat together as a team. You do not need to pack a lunch on Fridays, though it is also advised that players bring a snack to eat after school such as a granola bar. Parents will be asked to sign up to help provide food for lunch. Players should always wear their team-issued Game Day Polo Shirt on Game Day Fridays.
Tell me about Home Games.
Players are dismissed at the end of the day and begin preparation for their game. After the game, players are provided with a meal (ie pizza and a drink) by the Quarterback Club. Dinner tickets are given to the players, and they get their meal from the Dolphin Den snack stand.
Tell me about Away Games.
If players are dismissed before school ends to travel to a game, the head coach will communicate this directly with the players. Depending on the size of the roster, some players may not travel to some away games.
Transportation for Away Games:
For JV players, bus transportation is provided to all away games. After away games, JV players return on the bus back to Pali. If you want to pick up your players from the away campus, you must check your son out with their head coach after the game. Bringing your student athlete home from the game is preferred by the Coaching Staff so they may stay to watch varsity. For Varsity, all players must take the team bus to away games. A bus transports the Varsity team back to PCHS.
When do you practice in the summer?
Summer practice information is emailed to all returning players regularly. New player practice dates are available each season on the home page of our website on the right hand side as you scroll down under the News & Announcements category. There is a recommended summer training session that begins in late June or early July and then a mandatory practice period around the end of July or early August during which players must attend or they will not be eligible to play as per CIF rules. All important dates are communicated to returning players throughout the season and also posted on the homepage of the Pali Football website under the News & Announcements category once dates are released by the coaches each January.
When do you practice during the season?
During the Fall Semester, players should be enrolled in the 7th period Football class. They will receive PE credit and a grade for this class. During the season, practices are held daily during 7th period and after school, typically until 5:30 pm Monday through Friday.
What happens when the season is over?
When the season is over, players still report to football for their 7th period class. During this hour they will either lift weights or report to study hall if needed. In the Spring semester, players have the option of taking Football Conditioning during 6th period and will receive PE credit and a grade for the class.
Costs & Fundraising
What is the Pali Quarterback Club?
The Pali Quarterback Club is a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation and support group for the football program at Palisades Charter High School. Membership consists of all parents and guardians of all current football players. We support and aid the football program, enrich the educational and athletic experience of the football program’s student athletes, and plan and conduct fund-raising activities in support of these purposes. Each year we elect a Board of Directors that meet monthly.
Will I have to fundraise / what is the cost to play?
Each player is asked to contribute $400 or more to support each football season. All returning players participate in our SnapRaise online fundraiser each Spring. Each fall, new players participate in our Player Donation Program. All money contributed covers game day polos, pre-game meals, uniforms, helmets, equipment and much more.
How do I donate?
Donations can be made online at or by check made payable to Pali Quarterback Club. If you pay by check, use this Mail-In Donation Form. We also accept Venmo and Zelle. You can email our treasurer at [email protected] with any donation questions.
Do I need to volunteer?
Like each of our players, every parent has an important role to play to make a successful season. All parents are members of the Pali Quarterback Club and are needed to support the football program with a minimum of 5 hours of Club service. Your participation is necessary! It is also a great way to meet Pali families, build team spirit and have fun! A complete list of volunteer opportunities is listed on our website during the season, and includes working concessions, chain crew, merchandise sales, fundraising, photography & videography.
What are some additional ways I can support the league?
Because the State of California does not provide the financial resources necessary for our public school program to thrive on its own, the Pali Quarterback Club must fundraise to meet the football programs’ total budget, less than 10% of which is funded directly by Palisades High. A complete list of ways you can contribute are on our website, and include making tax-deductible or in-kind donations.
Other Parent Info
When/where can I purchase fan merchandise and programs?
Fan merch such as t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, PJ pants (our top seller!) vary by season and are typically sold at parent events such as our New Parent Meeting, Season Kickoff BBQ, and all home games and while supplies last.
Programs are printed at the beginning of the season. Information will be shared about when/where they can be purchased once it is available. If you'd like to purchase advertising space for your company or service or support your player with a tribute please see our Sponsor page. Examples can be seen there as well.
How can I order my son a Varsity Letterman Jacket?
We use C&L Jackets as our vendor and typically arrange for a fitting for interested players each Fall. Information will be communicated to the team when that happens and the order form can be found here: Letterman Jacket Order Form
How do I order a Player Tribute in the Game Day Program?
You can find all player tribute information on our Sponsor page.
How do I purchase a banner to get hung inside the stadium during the football season?
You can find all banner information on our Sponsor page.
My son owns his own helmet. Do I need to get it reconditioned each year?
All player-owned helmets need to be reconditioned prior to each season. Here is the information on Helmet Reconditioning including links to our preferred vendors.